Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yay! It's my second day on blogger.

So this link goes to a video, by Mitchell Davis - LiveLavaLive, which is just random and funny. It is one of many and I thought I would share it with you because I just think he's pretty funny and entertaining. Comment and tell me what you think. (:

Last night I had yet another weird dream. I'm not going to get into it much but I was in New York on this trip with my school friends and for some reason the lady in charge wanted to do something bad to any girls that were pregnant, like kill them or something. Apparently I was pregnant but you couldn't tell that much. So anyway, when it was my turn to be investigated or something, I was tied up, but I got away. My friends were in the main lady's room trashing it. I was just standing there and all I could think about was that I was going to be pregnant all throughout my sophmore year.

I finally woke up and I had to check my stomach this morning to make sure it was still flat. It made my mom laugh when I told her what was going through my head (about being pregnant sophmore year).

Apparently my dream means that there is new beginning or something. I just think that I dreamt I was pregnant because before I went to sleep last night I got caught up in watching this show on MTV, 16 and Pregnant. It was...interesting. ?

So as it being the morning time, I haven't actually done anything yet. All I do know is that I'll be going to a party later at my friend's pool. That's about it.