Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So yesterday I received the list of classes I’ll be taking at Mountain View in the fall. I got really excited because I already knew some teachers (one of which I was not pleased about), but that wasn’t the only reason. I think it was because I am getting closer and closer to another year. For some reason I get anxious around the time we meet our teachers and get our supply list and everything. But that time doesn’t come around until August. On the 19th of July we get a special look around the new campus, so that’s pretty exciting too.
Mom and I went out to eat. That was a shock. I decided I wanted to try out Caprese’s, which is pizza and pasta. I got Penne w/Marinara. I knew what I was going to order before we even left the house. (I was looking at their website).
I also finished my summer reading book yesterday. It was probably the dumbest book I have ever read. The grammar was absolutely ridiculous, and it was almost in poem form or something. It had 200 pages, but it would have had probably half of that if the author formed real sentences. Mom is making me start the assignment for it by Wednesday, and I’m not looking forward to it.

I had a very frustrating dream last night. I usually have similar ones about me, at school, during class change, where I can’t find my class. Last night I wasn’t getting too worked up about it because it was the first day and everything. We usually get some extra time after the bell rings to get to class during the very first week. Anyway, the bell rang way too early, and I think I started crying. It was hectic and chaotic (so is my next dream). I think my teacher finally located me and was asking me what I was doing during the class change. Then I got really frustrated because I was trying to say that I got right out of my classroom, came down here (I don’t remember any stairs. I also looked in a corner where I thought a stairwell would go, and there was nothing), and then the bell rang.
My next dream I was frustrated at my dad, but not until later. We were in a type of convenient store, but it was packed with people. For some reason, I had this feeling inside of me that I needed to hurry up, like I was in a rush and I needed to be taking a lot less time than I was taking. I think Kimberly was on the phone, and I was asking her if she wanted this drink thing, it came in pina colada. We both said no, and then my dad appeared with the same drink in iced tea and raspberry flavors. I automatically took the raspberry one because I hate iced tea, but Kimberly said iced tea the same time I said raspberry. I took the raspberry one, but it didn’t help the chaotic feeling in my stomach. I guess I felt a bit guilty. Anyway, I had to get in the line to check-out, and I was also carrying some type of food. My dad was standing outside and I had no money to pay with, so that’s when I got really frustrated because I had to get out of the line again and go outside and all that. But I walked out a different door (It was like a corner with a door on each side) and I was in a truck/SUV and Madison was sitting next to me I think. Her brother was driving and the rest of the car was packed with people. We drove past my dad and onto the grass and across the street into a parking lot for a big outdoor mall or strip mall or whatever those are called. Anyway, Madison’s other brother was walking in front of us. We were driving to an AMC movie theater. I asked to see someone’s phone. Madison gave me her and I tried to call my dad, but I think I woke up. After I was thinking about it while I was sitting in bed, I thought that what would I say to my dad? I was on my way to a movie? – No because what would the people in the car think... and also I had no money to even pay for the stuff at the store, I don’t know how I would have paid for a movie ticket. It was just frustrating.

Today my mom made an appointment for me at the doctor’s office. I’m getting my physical updated to cross country conditioning. It’s this Thursday at Little Mulberry Park. I went last Thursday, but I was so sore because it was the first time that I had ran since Track was over in the spring. My butt hurt REALLY badly the next day. But it was fun. We went on the equestrian trail once we broke up and got to run on our own terms for 30 minutes. I was running with Mill Creek people, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. I’m really glad that I am doing it though. It’s better than sitting around the house and doing nothing I suppose.
Over the weekend I finished watching all 10 seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I’m sad that its over, even though it ended in 2004, but still. It sucks that Monica and Chandler moved out of the apartment. There is a spin-off series of Joey, where he goes to L.A. to persue his acting. I would think Rachel and Ross would move into Monica’s old apartment. That would be nice to see. Or they could just live in Ross’ current one and Phoebe could live in the big apartment. OR…Ross and Rachel live in the big apartment, and Phoebe could live in Joey’s old apartment. Whatever. It’s just a TV show.
This past Sunday was father’s day. Dad and I just chilled. We watched the 10th season of FRIENDS and that’s pretty much it. The weekend before, however, I made him a card on Saturday because I thought father’s day was that Sunday, which it wasn’t, but I felt pretty embarrassed. Mom found 4 books at a garage sale, but they were about law and mystery kinda things. I knew he wouldn’t like them, but I told mom to get them anyway. And now he can go return them to Books For Less and get credit and stuff.

Today was my first day of doing this writing diary thingy. I hope I keep it up because it seems like a cool idea, especially during the summer and in the mornings when I have nothing to do. It took me a long time to complete this entry because I was so busy taking pictures and editing them and naming my folders for them. I’ll probably just use a picture that I took today on another day if I don’t have any exciting news. (like today I had a lot to talk about Mtn. View, so I took a picture with the symbol)
I think I might go watch a movie, maybe the Incredibles or National Treasure.


The Funsized Critic said...

wow great blog! i'm guessing you just started since you only have oone blog. but I just started so you should come to my blog too!