Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So I am really bored and I thought that I would post again. Just a much shorter one than my first.

All I really did today was get a physical. And watch Shrek 2. It was pretty eventful, dontcha think?

Now that I have gotten the hang on the site, it is pretty exciting. I have a feeling that this will start to be a little less like a diary and a little more about me posting things that I find interesting and might want to share with people. I don't know how interesting people might find my stuff, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Tonight I might watch this show's series premiere. It's called NYC Prep. Apparently it's about these stuck up, rich kids living in New York City and what they do. I have always found NYC to be fascinating, so that part of the show I will be looking forward to. I read a review for the show, however, and people seem to think that it's all about peer pressure and these kids are just doing what they think is cool to get noticed. Another person said it is the real life of Gossip Girl. I think they are both right, but I highly doubt this new show will be total 'reality', even though rich kids might do all that stuff. I just think it might be interesting to see their view of life and all that, and just to see what their day-to-day kind of activities include. I'm sure it's a lot more interesting than mine. Anyway, it's premiere is on BRAVO tonight.

I guess that's all for now.